Saturday, February 2, 2013

My Business Plan

This is rough, pretty rough actually. The thing is, you can never predict how others are going to interpret your work and if they are willing to pay their hard earned dollars to buy something that you created. I'm counting that some people this is what I've made for myself. It's very simple, but my wants and needs are also very simple.


1. February and March

  •  Re-write and revise ‘Meant to Be’ 
2. April
  •  Start the professional revision process
3. May & June
  •  Begin the cover art process 
  • Format all different files 
4. July
  •  Market the hell out of it 
5. August
  •  Release ‘Meant to Be’ 
6. Rest of the year
  •  I want to try to sell 500 copies before the end of the year. There will be a time where it will be free, but I want to sell 500 copies for whatever price I set it for. 
  •  Get the next story ‘Out of Darkness’ ready to go for the first of the year 2014. 

Once I see how this goes – I will make the rest of the plan. My overall plan is to be working for myself doing this in the next 3-5 years.

This is my tentative plan and like I said earlier - you never can predict how this is going to go.  You can only work hard, hope, pray and dream!


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